Price: $1,941.63
Price: $1,941.63

Vehicle Specifications

VIN 4YMBU0815RV003399
Mileage -
Engine -
Drive Train -
Stock Number V003399
Trim -
Transmission -
Doors -
Exterior Color -
Interior Color -
Body Type -
Fuel Type -

Vehicle Equipment

Vehicle Description

SPECSEmpty Weight: 400 Payload Capacity: 1,600 Tire Size: 12" Gate Width and Length: 57" x 39" Overall Length: 138" Overall Width: 74" Deck Length: 96" Deck Width: 60"FEATURES2" x 3" Straight Tube Tongue 2" x 2" Angle Main Frame 2" x 2" x 1/8" Angle Top Rail 1.5" x 1.5" x 1/8" Angle Uprights 1-7/8" Straight Coupler with Safety Chains 2,000 lb. Rated Idler Axle 2-Leaf Springs 4.80x12 Tire and Wheel Assemblies White Mod Wheels 24" Jeep Style Fender Treated Wood Floor 57" W x 39" H Rear Ramp GateALL PRICE LIST IS Cash or Check, 3.5% on Debit/Credit cardsSOUZA WHOLESALE TRAILERS SALES IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY TYPOS , ERRORS OR MISPRINTS12 PLAINFIELD RDCANTERBURY, CT 06331860-924-0887

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Payment amount is an estimate for illustrative purposes only. This is not an advertisement or offer of credit. Estimated payment excludes taxes, title, registration, license fees, insurance, and additional options. Payment amount may differ based on cash or trade in value due at signing, term, fees, special offers, and applicable tax rate. You must apply for and qualify for credit. Not all customers will qualify. Please contact SOUZA WHOLESALE TRAILERS for further information.

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